Welcome to London Animation Club


London Animation Club as visualised by Dennis Sisterson. Left to right: Francesca Pich, Catherina Rowland, Mal Hartley, Tom Lowe and Emma Calder.



“I think it’s very essential that artists meet other artists… and we can have a good moan together.”

– Bob Godfrey, 2006

London Animation Club is a monthly soiree for animators and people interested in animation in the capital, with regular guests presenting their work in informal surroundings.

Since Covid, the club has moved to an online event, but this broadened its range and led to some exciting intercontinental link-ups. To keep the social side also going, we also introduced regular Zoom parties. In October 2021, we did our first face-to-face event since March 2020 and hope to continue our live presence in 2022.

London Animation Club was founded and is curated by London-based animator Martin Pickles. The “live” events generally take place at the Green Man, Riding House Street, Fitzrovia.

Contact Martin at gmfilm @ hotmail . com

Some London Animation Club links:

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Animators' Zoom Party, 15th June 2020

Animators’ Zoom Party, 15th June 2020

Our last live event to date at The Green Man W1, 2nd March 2020

Our last “live” event before Lockdown, at The Green Man W1, 2nd March 2020

Hearts Loop by Steven Woloshen (2016)

Hearts Loop created for London Animation Club by Steven Woloshen (2016)


Turbine FestivalLACers Martin Pickles, Una Marzorati, Philip Green, Rosemary Norman, Stuart Pound, Steven Ball, Kate Jessop and Ben Fox at the Turbine Festival, Tate Modern, 25th July 2015. Photo by Esther Johnson.