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Martin Pickles, 9th January 2017Stuart Pound had agreed to be guest speaker back in 2013 only on condition I did so too, so here I fulfilled my promised. I showed my work in two halves, animation in the first half, live-action in the second: 1. The Commuter (2003) 2. Like Me, Only Better (2017) 3. What Is Animation (2014) 4.Mindfulness episode 3 (2016) 5. The Curtains Of Zagra (2014) 6. Why Is Work So Boring (2017) 6. Ode Ton Joy (2014) Break 1. Ripples (1993) 2. G.M. – except (2001) 3. Century’s End (2004) 4. The Time Travellers Of 1908 (2005) 5. Overseer (2015) 6. Dinosaur (2010) 7. 6 Camden Terrace (2011) 8. Still Life (2012) 9. The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock – excerpt (2015) |