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Martin Pickles, 9th January 2017

Me, photographed from the view finder of my video camera.

Me, photographed from the view finder of my video camera.

Stuart Pound had agreed to be guest speaker back in 2013 only on condition I did so too, so here I fulfilled my promised.

I showed my work in two halves, animation in the first half, live-action in the second:

1. The Commuter (2003)

2. Like Me, Only Better (2017)

3. What Is Animation (2014)

4.Mindfulness episode 3 (2016)

5. The Curtains Of Zagra (2014)

6. Why Is Work So Boring (2017)

6. Ode Ton Joy (2014)


1. Ripples (1993)

2. G.M. – except (2001)

3. Century’s End (2004)

4. The Time Travellers Of 1908 (2005)

5. Overseer (2015)

6. Dinosaur (2010)

7. 6 Camden Terrace (2011)

8. Still Life (2012)

9. The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock – excerpt (2015)

The London Animation Club audience (part of. Quite a lot of people showed up after I took this photo).

The London Animation Club audience (part of. Quite a lot of people showed up after I took this photo).