Zoom Screening, Monday 21st September

The LAC Audience

LACTV Audience and Screeners (21st September 2020)

A big thank you to everyone who took part in our London Animation Club Online Group Screening. We had people joining us from as far away as Glasgow and Texas.
Sing by Ged Haney (2020)

Sing by Ged Haney (2020)


Our featured filmmakers were:
Kate Jessop: The Man Made Of Music.
Leo Crane: Nude Triumphant
Rob Munday: Filaments
Claire Desenclos: The Fossil Fuel Fight
Natasza Cetner: Nigel
Stuart Pound: The Eagles Tattoo
Ged Haney: Sing

LAC 21st September 2020It was lovely to see lots of familiar faces from the old days at The Green Man, people who’ve been coming for years and years, as well as quite a few newer people. Shame there wasn’t more time to chat.